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编者按:本文编译自 Sarah Tavel 的博文《How to build an enduring, multi-billion dollar business》。 Tavel 是前 Pinterest 产品经理,现 Greylock 合伙人。

译者戴汨,愉悦资本创始合伙人(midai@joycapital.com.cn, 微信 midai2008)。

关于创建伟大的公司,很多人都提过 10 倍产品的概念,但是 10 倍产品并不够,10 倍产品并且更加便宜才是消费者的杀手。至于如果更加便宜,则需要颠覆现有的行业成本结构。


In my last post, I wrote that Uber built a multi-billion dollar business by using mobile to create a 10x better product than the incumbent (taxis), and did so at a lower price. The “and”, as I wrote, is everything.  


What’s exciting to me is that Uber is not the first, nor will it be the last. Indeed, when you start to look for it, you realize “[10x product] and save people money” is the undercurrent running through dozens of breakout companies ranging from Airbnb (a Greylock company) to WhatsApp.  


What’s Amazon? Endless selection/convenience and the best price.  


Remember Netflix’s original marketing? More selection/convenience than your neighborhood Blockbuster, and no late fees. 

还记得Netflix最初的广告? 比你小区的Blockbuster店更多的选择和便利,并且没有滞纳金。 

Airbnb is all about unique accommodations and it’scheaper than a hotel.  


Skype introduced presence/chat etc, and free international calls. WhatsApp did to international SMS what Skype did to international calls.  


Alibaba, Craigslist, CreditKarma, eBay, Expedia, Poshmark, Priceline, Orbitz, Shutterfly, Transferwise, TurboTax, …. I could go on. (Oh, and if you’re building one, I’d obviously love to hear from you: tavel@greylock.com.)  

Alibaba, Craigslist, CreditKarma, eBay, Expedia, Poshmark, Priceline, Orbitz, Shutterfly, Transferwise, TurboTax等等,我可以一直往下列举。 他们都一样。

It shouldn’t be a surprise that 10x + cheaper is such a killer combo for consumers. Who doesn’t want something better, cheaper? It also happens to be a great catalyst for word of mouth. People love to talk about a new service they discovered that’s better and saved them money — telling a friend how to save $20 can feel like actually giving the friend $20.  


So how did they do it? Or perhaps more pointedly, how can you do it? 


To me, there are two key ingredients:  


1. It’s about the [10x product]. Saving money is pouring gas on the fire. 10倍产品先行,省钱就像火上浇油) 

As my former Pinterest colleague David Rubin pointed out to me, your service shouldn’t lead with “saving money”. You must create an offering that is so compelling, it stands by itself in the consumer’s mind. 


Case in point: when I first started to talk to people about my thesis, they’d push back. “Uber is just so much better than a taxi.” “Amazon is all about convenience.” “Airbnb is experiences you can’t get at a hotel.” Of course, they’re right, but it’s the “and” that accelerated the behavior change for most people. The 10x product is what kept those people as customers. 

当我第一次和人们谈论我的观点的时候,他们会反击。 “Uber的成功就是在于比出租车好太多。”“亚马逊的一切就是方便。”“Airbnb成功就是在于你不能从酒店得到的体验。”当然,他们是对的,但是只有“并且”的存在才能加速改变大部分人的消费习惯。从根本而言,10倍的产品让人们成为顾客。 

If you can get people to take your price advantage for granted, you’ve won. If on the other hand, your brand becomes more identified with saving money, then that’s likely because your offering isn’t sufficiently differentiated. Saving money is the feature. This puts incredible downward pressure on a company’s unit economics. It’s a lot harder to build an enduring business if you’re forced to constantly optimize for price. Think: flash sale and deal sites. 


The one exception I’d add here is that “free” is its own 10x product. If you can offer something for free that used to cost lots of people money (I’m looking at you Skype and WhatsApp), growth will be the least of your worries. 


2. Use technology to recast incumbent cost structures.(采用技术重构现有者的成本结构)

Okay, so you’ve got a 10x service. That’s the easy part. Providing the 10x product cheaper in a sustainable way is where the rubber hits the road.  


The key is to use technology to recast incumbent cost structures. This creates a structural cost advantage, and if you have economies of scale or network effects, an advantage that can endure as you grow. 


Here are some of the strategies companies have used to do this: 


  • E-Commerce (电子商务) 

E-Commerce companies disrupted brick and mortar retailers by centralizing operations and benefiting from economies of scale. 

电子商务公司通过集中的运营实现规模化优势,颠覆了线下的实体零售。 1捕获.PNG

  • Sharing economy (共享经济) 

The “sharing” economy enables companies to unlock latent value in underutilized assets, and by doing so disrupts asset heavy approaches. 

共享经济通过解放闲置资产的潜在价值颠覆了重资产的运营模式。 2捕获.PNG

  • Peer to peer marketplaces (P2P交易市场) 

P2P marketplaces eliminate broker fees and middlemen, letting them pass savings to participants in their marketplace and reducing operation costs. 


  • “Full stack” startups (一体化公司) 

More broadly, “full stack” startups use technology to fundamentally rethink services and disrupt the incumbents. 


  • Emerging: AI, virtual reality, others?(未来:AI VR,其他?) 

Fast forward, and I’ve got to imagine that in addition to the existing techniques I mentioned, emerging technologies like AI and virtual reality will create a new class of 10x products that save consumers money. 


For example, imagine not having to travel to the Serengeti because you can have an experience in virtual reality that’s just like being on a safari, or getting a prescription almost immediately because you’ve been diagnosed by a neural network. 


It’s hard not to get excited for future startups capitalizing on these strategies. 



资讯标题: 更好的产品和更低的价格,鱼和熊掌可兼得

资讯来源: 36氪官网





