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‘nexacro platform’ Successfully Builds Mobile Sales Force Support System for Hyundai HCN

- Expected to improve customer information management efficiency and raise the sales success ratio through security-enhanced mobile business system
- Lays the foundation for higher sales through Smart Work system
TOBESOFT (www.tobesoft.com), the company specializing in enterprise UI/UX solutions, said on the 7th that it has successfully launched a Smart Work mobile sales force automation system for Hyundai HCN (www.hcn.co.kr), a multiple system operator, based on its UI development platform, nexacro platform.
Hyundai HCNs mobile sales force automation system allows its salespeople to perform all office tasks on their own smart devices on the go. The system has been in operation since its official launch this August.  With this system, Hyundai HCN can address security issues like copying and damage to customer information, reduce the salespeoples paperwork burden, improve system management efficiency, manage more precise customer information in real time, and increase the sales success ratio through data analysis.
An official in charge of the computing team with Hyundai HCN said, In the beginning when we were in the planning stage, the biggest pressure was to establish a system that would improve the efficiency of all sales operations within a short time. Fortunately the nexacro platform showed much better development efficiency than any other UI development platforms and allowed us to complete the project within the scheduled time frame. I have seen many successful instances within Hyundai Department Store Group to introduce the UI development platform of TOBESOFT and that made me choose the nexacro platform without hesitating even a second. Since the project was to build a mobile system, the biggest headache was device fragmentation. Given that the nexacro platform is an OSMU (one source multi-use) solution that can respond seamlessly to different devices, we had no problem introducing it, he added.
Choi Yong-ho, president of TOBESOFT, said, The nexacro platform is a web standard development platform based on Unified.js, a JavaScript framework developed by TOBESOFT. These days, JavaScript is used so widely that there is a saying that it is eating up the world, including the area of server and native app development beyond the web. Earlier, we predicted that this would happen and ended up developing a JavaScript framework-based product. The best-possible development language that can respond to requirements to crop up in the future is JavaScript. He also said, There is a strange tendency in the market recently to equate the web standard with HTML5. Due to this misconception, some people erroneously believe that anything supporting HTML5 is a web standard product. In truth, however, most HTML5 products are in the form of a low level of development library. An application in compliance with web standards means it is created in correct forms with all the component parts including HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. The only development platform that allows establishment of web standard application with a high level of framework currently available on the market is the nexacro platform.